February 1, 2012

Indian Silver Coin - ( Large Diameter ) One Rupee - Overstruck -Persian Script ( Urdu ) - Sher Shah /Alauddin Khilji - Very Rare -

Diameter size  is Large ( as the big size  in British Indian Rupee and Independent India's Cupro Nickel Rupee ) - Flat - Thin

The centre of the coin is raised ( Over struck ) than Plain ( for Single Striuke coins )

It is  Overstruck ? ( meaning  struck again on an earlier coin ? ) This happened frequently in the Pre British Medieval and Ancient India when one King after defeating the Other King would overstrike the Defeated Kingdom's Coins ( Instead of Melting and Re Striking ) This overstrike was a Cheaper and a Quicker Way. Numismatic Experts can decipher the Details of Both The Old Coin and the New Coin.

Overstruck Silver Rupee Coins are very very rare ( struck after a successful military campaign ).

For study of Single Struck ( more common ) variety , please click :-


For further study of Alauddin Khilji Single Strike Silver  Coin Tanka


Tags :Pre British Silver Rupee , Mughal Medieval India Princely State

For further study of Overstriking of  coins , please click :-



  1. AnonymousJune 02, 2012

    Pic is of One tanka of Alauddin Khalji, CE 1296-1316.

  2. Thank you for giving us excellent information about one rupee silver coins theYour blog benefits people who want to know about the historical one rupee silver coins
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